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News News Features

Can You Guess the Indian Desserts That Made to The List of Best Street Food Sweets in The World?

When we say “sweets” the usual ones that appear before our eyes are gulab jamun, rosogolla, peda and so on. Because Bengalis eat, breathe and sleep sweets it shouldn’t come as a surprise wasn’t that I waited with bated breath when Taste Atlas recently revealed the top three Indian Street food sweets in the world. But I soon realized it

News News Features Updates on Travel

Did You Know That There Are 57 Countries Where Indians Can Travel Without Pre-Approved Visa?

So, I am an Indian passport holder and decide to visit a foreign country whose name nobody has heard of (just an example, I know there will be some geek aware of the names of all the countries!!) So, what do I do next? Open a zillion sites, keep reading all articles (even if they are from the Neolithic age!!!),

News Features Updates on Travel

Move Over Japan! Another Country Takes the Crown of Issuing the World’s Most Powerful Passport!

Care to hazard a guess? It’s none other than Singapore!! After five long years of Japan ruling the roost as No.1 in the Henley Passport Index, things took a turn in the summer of 2023. Japan slipped down to third place, and Singapore took the crown, becoming the World’s Most Powerful Passport! And here’s the kicker: Singaporean citizens can jet