Travel Journal Of A Maverick

Unveiling the Tale of ISKCON Devotees & Why Is Vrindavan Important to Them

ISKCON Devotees

Table of Contents

What does ISKCON mean to you?

Lord Krishna & Radha in Vrindavan
Early ISKCON Devotees of Gopala Krishna Mantra

Here’s why – 

There is no discrimination among ISKCON devotees, everyone is treated equally and with respect – the very basic requirement to be humane.

ISKCON Devotees of today
ISKCON Devotees - Where they find a sense of belonging
ISKCON Devotees - with Mahaprabhu
ISKCON Devotee in Vrindavan
Banke Bihari Temple where ISKCON Devotees can visit

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Until the next blog, be kind, live sustainably and travel responsibly.

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Picture of SINCHITA


An advocate of conservation of ecologically fragile spaces and conscious travel, storytelling wasn't always Sinchita's goal. It started as an escape, turned into a calling and eventually spread its wings. A banking stint, a teaching tenure, an environmental thesis - a bit of everything, only to realize that she is her best when she travels, interacting with locals, curates itineraries and thread the contributions of every element in the larger scheme of things through words and visuals.

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